Volunteer Reflections & Testimonials

Volunteer Reflections: Maya
Daraja Music Daraja Music

Volunteer Reflections: Maya

I had the amazing opportunity to work with the Daraja Music Initiative in Moshi, Tanzania during the summer of 2023. I taught clarinet and general music to several students at Majengo Primary School. I also had the opportunity to teach many local school children about conservation and how the nature around us is important for every aspect of our world, including music. I learned more about teaching than I ever have since I could not rely on a common language, something that I had taken for granted before this experience. The children were amazing and they learned so much in such a short amount of time. I saw the children learn to love music and I am confident that music will always have a place in their lives. I am so proud of them, and I miss them every day. My favorite memories were watching the students perform for each other and their parents at a local cafe every Tuesday. I am already eager to visit Moshi again, so I must say that this experience impacted my life in the most wonderful way possible.

Summer 2023 DMI volunteer
Vanderbilt University clarinet student

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Volunteer Reflections: Marie
Daraja Music Daraja Music

Volunteer Reflections: Marie

Volunteering with DMI this summer was a wonderful experience. While it’s difficult to sum up a fantastic two weeks in a few short words, I’d say a few highlights for me were: meeting wonderful people who share a common love of music; working with students who are incredibly eager to learn; building relationships across cultures; and learning more about the fascinating mpingo tree, which can grow up to be clarinets. If you are on the fence about volunteering, I can only say, “Come, see for yourself!”

Summer 2023 DMI volunteer

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Volunteer Reflections: Michael
Daraja Music Daraja Music

Volunteer Reflections: Michael

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have volunteered with DMI this summer. I can't imagine missing out on such a remarkable experience and I eagerly anticipate the chance to return next, next, next and next summers to come. This experience has significantly impacted my perspective on music education, conservation education especially about the Mpingo tree (I miss pruning), rejuvenating my passion for teaching music to children. My favourite memory is the final concert, where the students performed some songs and delivered what we'd been teaching them and this (teaching music) is all that I love most about volunteering with DMI (not forgetting the field trips though). I am so committed to continuing this journey for the rest of my life and I am immensely grateful to everyone at DMI for making this experience possible. I look forward to reuniting with the team soon. Karibu sana Tanzania.

Summer 2023 DMI Volunteer
The Strings Music Group - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Volunteer Reflections: Marg
Daraja Music Daraja Music

Volunteer Reflections: Marg

I love living in different communities to learn the local customs and culture, and volunteering with DMI seemed like the perfect opportunity to try a new experience! I had a wonderful time teaching music, living with the other volunteers, and learning about conservation efforts in Africa. The children were always eager to learn music after a long day of classes. Two young Tanzanian men worked with me as co-teachers for the violin class, and I was excited to see them grow in their teaching skills, knowing that they could continue to help others with music after we left. I loved visiting different schools to see contrasts and similarities. At some schools, we pruned the mpingo trees that DMI had planted in previous years. At others, we planted new trees and did a short performance demonstrating violin and clarinet, so the students could learn one of the important musical uses of mpingo wood. I will always remember the local produce seller who would choose the perfect mango or yam for us to cook with, and the three-day safari where we saw African wildlife up close. Most of all, I was overwhelmed by how willingly these Tanzanian teachers, parents, and students shared limited resources with each other and with us. Volunteering was a life-changing experience and an unforgettable way to celebrate my retirement!

Summer 2023 Volunteer
Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University

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